What I Learned This Week #23

Well after the last post and the one before that, you can guess what’s coming:

1. I have become a major spender.
photo 2 (7)At least for me, buying items at the 99 Cent Store is a big splurge.

Then again, this is coming from the girl who will now only build on her wardrobe via gift cards or the Goodwill Outlet. Yes, the Goodwill Outlet – where clothes are $0.69/lb. I don’t know the clothing price on average, but let’s just say I’ve gotten a dress from there for about $0.60. Sure, it’s dumpster diving. But it’s worth it!

2. Taking a look at some other curious dollar purchases…

Don’t worry, you can breathe – it’s not more cereal. photo 1 (7)But maybe it’s not so reassuring that I’m eating baby yogurt. Although I read that the main difference between baby yogurt and yogurt made for real people is that baby yogurt is made with whole milk. I actually could use a little more fat on my bones so maybe I should invest in more infant products…

Okay, keep judging. Whatever, it came in a six-pack – with two flavors! (Apple and blueberry). Truly a variety pack. How could you say no to that?

3. Dollar hummus isn’t so bad.photo 4 (5)4. But uni…that’s another story.

My sister has been working at Gin Sushi in Pasadena, so as part of my Christmas present she treated me to a sushi meal. Actually, she mostly intended on taking me there as the garbage disposal. This way, she could try all the exotic sushi that she’s been meaning to test out. If she didn’t like it, I was there to make sure we waste not.

Good thing too, cause we ordered 2 pieces of uni and it was…not what we expected.

I later read that uni is supposed to taste like a “fresh ocean breeze.” I don’t know about you guys, but whenever I think of eating the ocean, I imagine eating wet sand that’s been doused with a mixture of salt water and urine. Don’t deny that you’ve taken a tinkle in that eternal toilet.

So maybe we didn’t get a fresh batch of uni. It was definitely on the bitter side. Texture-wise it was spot on – very custardy. I basically swallowed mine with some ginger and wasabi to cut the bitterness, and later I repeated the process with my sister’s piece. She couldn’t stomach it, so the garbage disposal did its job.

However, we still had some leftovers.
photo 2 (8)Not to worry though, I have been polishing it off. Those fishies did not die in vain.

The sushi chefs kept giving her free dishes (I’d say at least 5 plates were on the house), plus they “forgot” to add several items to the bill, plus they gave her a 20% employee discount when it’s supposed to be a 10% employee discount. So she paid less than $20 for what should’ve been a $50 meal.

Too bad she’s quitting.

4. Dried beans can become cooked beans fairly successfully via rice cooker.photo 3 (6)Apparently it’s cheaper to cook dried beans, and I’m not one to spend too much extra money. Probably cause I’m using it all on cereal.

Anyway, I tested it out with some chickpeas. They could’ve used more water cause some of them got a little toasted on the bottom. Overall though, I’d say it was a success.

Of course, now I’m trying to get my pinto beans done. But they’re basically swimming in water since I dumped in extra.

5. Palmer Luckey puts my generation to shame.

My boss might be doing a short film for some virtual reality project so I’ve been reading on all the latest VR news. Didn’t feel too accomplished after reading the bio for VR’s biggest innovator.

How can you be only 23 years old and invent a virtual reality product and get acquired by Facebook for $2 billion?

Guess I’ll never figure that out.


And some things I relearned:

6. Watching a movie sequel? Keep those expectations low. Like gopher hole low.

I haven’t watched a movie in quite some time, but Pitch Perfect 2 seemed like an easy film to swallow. Sure enough, there was hardly any serious conflict, a few gags that begged a chuckle – but at least the songs are catchy.

The most exciting part was seeing Pentatonix sing for about 5 seconds.

7. In Dutch:

Een man = a man

Een vrouw = a woman

Een jongen = a boy

Also, I relearned that Dutch is hard. I think I’ll stick to Spanish on Duolingo.